Hogon-in Temple
Best time
Name of the facility | Hogon-in Temple |
Address | 36 Sagatenryūji Susukinobaba-chō, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, 616-8385 |
Tell | 075-861-0091 |
Nearest station | 10 minutes' walk from Saga Arashiyama Station on the JR Sagano Line, or Arashiyama Station on the Randen Arashiyama Main Line/ Hankyu Arashiyama Line |
URL | http://www.hogonin.jp/ |
Nearest bus stop | 5 minutes' walk from Arashiyama Tenryuji-mae bus stop via Kyoto City Bus or Keifuku Arashiyamaeki-mae bus stop via Kyoto Bus |
Business hours | 9:00-17:00 |
Admission fee | [Garden Admission] Adults: 500 yen; Elementary to junior high students: 300 yen |
Remarks | 本堂へ参拝する際は、本堂参拝志納料が必要となります。詳細は公式サイトをご確認ください。 |

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