Myoshin-ji Temple
Best time
Name of the facility | Myoshin-ji Temple |
Address | 1 Hanazono Myōshinji-chō, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, 616-8035 |
Tell | 075-466-5381 |
Nearest station | 5 minutes' walk from Hanazono Station via JR Sagano Line |
URL | |
Nearest bus stop | 4 minutes' walk from Myoshinji-mae bus stop via Kyoto City Bus; 2 minutes' walk from Myoshinji Kitamon-mae bus stop via Kyoto City Bus |
Admission fee | 【Individuals】Adults: 700 yen, Elementary to Junior high students: 400 yen; 【Groups】*30 people or more Adults: 630 yen, Elementary to Junior high students: 360 yen |
Remarks | 拝観は20分間隔で案内されています。詳しくは公式サイトをご確認ください。 |

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