Sennyuji Temple
Best time
Name of the facility | Sennyuji Temple |
Address | 27 Sennyuji Yamanouchi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 605-0977 |
Tell | 075-561-1551 |
Nearest station | 20 minute walk from JR Nara Line/Keihan Main Line Tofukuji Station |
URL | |
Nearest bus stop | 15 minute walk from Kyoto City Bus Sennyuji-michi Bus Stop |
Business hours | March to November: 9:00-16:30 (Gates close at 17:00), December to January: 9:00-16:00 (Gates close at 16:30) |
Admission fee | 【Individuals】 [Cathedral entrance] Adults: 500 yen, Children (under middle school): 300 yen [Special exhibit] Adults: 300 yen, Elementary school or under (only with accompanying guardians): free 【Groups】[Cathedral entrance] Adults: 300 yen *Do not accept groups under high school students |

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