Shinsen-en Garden
Best time
Name of the facility | Shinsen-en Garden |
Address | 167 Oike-dori Shinsenen-cho Higashi-iru Monzen-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 604-8306 |
Tell | 075-821-1466 |
Nearest station | 10 minute walk from Hankyu Kyoto Line Shijo-Omiya Station 10 minute walk from JR Sagano Line Nijo Station 2 minute walk from Subway Tozai Line Nijojo-mae Station |
URL | |
Nearest bus stop | Near by Kyoto City Bus Shinsen-enmae Bus Stop 5 minute walk from Kyoto City Bus Horikawa-Oike Bus Stop |
Business hours | 8:30-20:00 |

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