Yume Cosmos Garden

Best time
Name of the facility Yume Cosmos Garden
Address Nomizu Yoshikawa-chō Anagawa, Kameoka, Kyoto, 621-0014
Tell 0771-55-9111
URL http://yume-cosmos.com/
Nearest bus stop A short walk from Kisshoin Undokoen-mae bus stop via Keihan Kyoto Kotsu Bus
Business hours 9:00-16:00 (16:30 on weekends and holidays)
Admission fee [Individuals] (Weekdays) Adults: 500 yen, Elementary to Junior high students: 300 yen; (Weekends) Adults: 600 yen, Elementary to Junior high students: 300 yen; [Groups] *20 people or more. (Weekends and holidays) Adults: 500 yen, Elementary to Junior high students: 300 yen
Remarks 9月〜11月まで期間限定で開放されます。詳細については公式サイトをご確認ください。
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